Module 1 - Setting Up the Interview
Your responses during an interview are essential.
So is how you come across while sharing those responses.
In this section, we’ll discuss how you can navigate questions with finesse.
Take a moment to ask yourself these questions
How do you develop relationships with new families and children?
How do you communicate effectively with an extremely talkative or reserved guardian?
If you’ve worked in an environment that tries your patience, how did you deal with that?
Recall a situation when one of your decisions was challenged by a guardian; what did you do and how did you react?
Describe a problem you faced that was almost overwhelming and how you got through it and kept from being completely overwhelmed.
Potential employers may not ask these questions directly, but every interviewer is looking for how you conduct yourself in difficult situations with varying communication styles.
Here’s Melissa to share what parents and guardians would find reassuring in your response.