For Casey to help Blake through his tantrum, she needs to know a little bit about what could have triggered his tantrum. He went from happily eating to meltdown--just like that!

It’s time to take a look at what causes these big emotions.

What’s Happening?!

Taking a moment to consider how a child's day has been leading up to this point allows you to possibly avoid a tantrum. External factors, such as spending their day in a loud environment, like a classroom, or in a car feeling cooped up as well as internal factors, like hunger, fatigue, and frustration) can all lead to big emotions.

If they're just getting home from a busy day out, they may benefit from decompression time in a quiet environment. Perhaps it's been a while since the child last ate (what magic snacks do for us at any age!).

Let’s See What You Learned

What’s Blake Communicating?

For many children, articulating their feelings, especially when upset, is difficult. When Blake goes from happy to crying uncontrollably, he’s using emotions to communicate his feelings.

Next, we’ll look into Blake’s perspective.